child and family therapy services


Specialized Services - Child & Family

counselling  • counsulting • mediation • training

And this is how change happens.
One gesture.
One person.
One moment at a time.”

Libba Bray


Tele-Play Therapy now Available
for Support of Children and Youth

Click here for more information

For more information and resources please check out the new online services offered.

Notice To Clients Regarding COVID-19

In light of recent developments, we are issuing a statement to all clients regarding upcoming service. Dr. Yasenik is currently working out of country and may be called back earlier than anticipated; however, at this time, we anticipate that her ability to provide in-person service will be affected by quarantine requirements upon her return and we may need to reschedule early and mid-April appointments accordingly.

In response to Health Canada and Alberta Health Services precautions limiting the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Dr. Yasenik will continue to provide in-office services going forward, but asks families to reduce the number of family members they bring to the appointment, limiting attendance to those members directly involved in the session.

In lieu of face-to-face sessions, Dr. Yasenik will remain available to parents for scheduled phone consultations. Please notify our office in advance should you wish to replace an in-office meeting with a telephone meeting, and kindly provide us with a phone number to contact you.

We have taken multiple steps in-office to avoid the spread of the virus. All common areas and surfaces (doorknobs, handrails, handles) are being routinely sanitized and we have switched to using single-use paper towel in the washrooms. Furthermore, all clients entering the office will be asked to wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer. Prior to entering the playrooms, children will also be asked to wash/sanitize their hands as an added precaution.

If you suspect you have been in contact with anyone who has had exposure, or if you have any symptoms, please inform us and cancel your appointment immediately; you are also reminded to contact 811 for further direction/support regarding health-related issues. Follow this link for the most recent provincial information regarding COVID-19

Should you need to cancel your appointment, we would appreciate as much notification as possible, but will suspend our 2-day notification of cancellation policy under the current circumstances.

The following is a link to a video that a psychologist/play therapist put together for children concerning Covid-19. This video is a possible resource but please consider viewing it first prior to watching it together with your child to ensure that it is appropriate in terms of the amount/type of information. Please Explain Coronavirus To Me: A Video for Kids

Another helpful link/resource. How to Talk About Coronavirus With Kids

A colouring book for kids: Caroline Conquers Her Corona Fears

Services & Trainings

about play therapy


counselling & assessment services

child consultant

parenting coordination


Why Choose Specialized Services?

More than 25 years experience has culminated into a number of inter-related specializations

Lorri Yasenik is an experienced and specialized practitioner offering consumers of counselling services a feeling of confidence. With experience comes years of seeing many people, which in turn, brings an awareness of the breadth and depth of the issues people face. This has lead to an understanding of numerous and varying solutions. An experienced clinician saves you time and energy. Treatment and intervention planning is based on a vast repertoire of experience and training that saves clients from moving from service to service which maximizes the desired outcomes.

How Are Services Inter-related?

Lorri Yasenik has been working in the field of child and adult therapy for more than two decades, which has led her down many inter-related paths of study and practice including play therapy, treatment of trauma, family mediation, parenting coordination, and arbitration.

She is the recipient of the prestigious 2016 Monica Hebert Award for Significant Contributions to Play Therapy. Lorri remains child focused and is an international trainer for child psychotherapy and play therapy.


Award for Significant Contributions to Play Therapy

Who Should Attend?

Children … Play Therapy … Social Emotional Assessments
Families … Parent Consultation … Family Sessions … Parenting Coordination
Couples … Relationship Counselling … Mediation
Individuals … Consultation … Counselling

Referral Issues:

Separation and Divorce/Blended Families
Behavioral Concerns/Depression
Trauma/ Relationship Issues/Attachment